Starting Tuesday, every weekday from 9 am to noon, breakfast is served at the Georgian restaurant Qartuli.

The menu, which will be updated from time to time, contains several traditional and favorite morning dishes: omelette and glaze eggs (200 ₽ each), benedict eggs (550 ₽), cheese and oat porridge with berries, which, at the request of the guest, can be prepared on water, milk or coconut milk (450 ₽ each). There is also a traditional English breakfast (550 ₽). For tea or coffee, you can order milfey with persimmon and sea buckthorn sorbet (550 ₽) and pistachio crepes with raspberries (450 ₽). The peculiarity is that to any order, for  excample to egg dishes, you can add lightly salted salmon, bacon, sausages, red caviar, farm sour cream, avocado, etc.


Occasional publications
13.04.2021 Special offer
Delicious price for gorgeous Georgian cuisine!

Restaurant Qartuli announces a 20% lunch discount on weekdays for all menu and delivery. ...

13.04.2021 Media
Daria Tsivina about the Qartuli restaurant

The columnist of "Kommersant FM" Daria Tsivina talks about what is interesting about the Qartuli res ...

13.04.2021 News

Every day, except Monday, from 6 p.m. Irakli performs popular hits in English, Russian, Italian, Spa ...

14.04.2021 Pics
The concert "Bravo Metehi"

The concert of the popular group "Bravo Metehi" in Georgia was held 14.02.21. ...

14.04.2021 News

The Georgian restaurant Qartuli has introduced tasting gastronomic sets to the menu, with the spring ...