Daria Tsivina about the Qartuli restaurant

"Georgian taste and modern European techniques are organically combined"


Daria Tsivina about the Qartuli restaurant



The columnist of "Kommersant FM" Daria Tsivina talks about what is interesting about the Qartuli restaurant located in the gastro-cluster "Belka" and what dishes are offered there.


The new restaurant Qartuli in the gastro cluster "Belka", dedicated to the new Georgian cuisine, quite organically combines the basic Georgian taste and current European techniques. Sous chef David Chania is responsible for the first, and chef Irina Kochmareva is responsible for the second.

The Qartuli menu is the result of their joint efforts: flounder baked with cherry tomatoes, Adjarian olives and garlic; stewed lamb with lemongrass and pickled dogwood; baked sweet potato with goat cheese, tomato concasse and tarhun pesto; Caesar with roasted half of romano, quail, tarhoon and cilantro; rabbit cabbage rolls in spinach leaves in a creamy sauce with tarhun.

All these familiar and beloved in Moscow dishes in Qartuli acquire a light Georgian accent, for this reason they seem only more attractive and interesting. Tarhun, cilantro, red basil and some hmeli-suneli can give a completely new sound to any European hit.

Pay special attention to the grain chicken chkmeruli and mutton ojakhuri, and for dessert, try the caramelized brioche with yogurt ice cream with rum-marinated raisins and salted caramel.

However, home-made walnut jam, like churchchel, are also not prohibited, especially since the interior and musical accompaniment of Qartuli is just akin to grandma's home-made jam of Georgian bottling, of course.


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